We're placing the Reed's Island Neighborhood e-mail address in care of a system called groups.io.
You should have received an e-mail invitation to "join" the group reedsisland.groups.io. To accept, just hit your "reply" button and send.
Aside from your one-time need to accept the invitation, the Reed's Island e-mail list will behave the same as it does now, unless you you tell it to behave differently.
- You'll still be able to send e-mails to everyone@reedsisland.org as well as to the new reedsisland@groups.io but your missives will be rejected until you have accepted the invitation to be on the recipient list.
- Only people on the recipient list will be allowed to send messages to the group. This is the most significant new feature--until now we haven't been protected against the possibility [eventual certainty] that junk mailers will get hold of our address.
- As before, your every e-mail to the group address will be forwarded to everyone on the recipient list.
- Should you want, you'll be able to choose to receive no more than one Reed's Island e-mail a day--a digest linking to all that day's messages. Or you can choose not to receive any e-mails at all, but you still will be able to read e-mails by going to the web-page if you want. And you will be able to take yourself off the list altogether.
- Anyone can request to be added to the list of recipients, but new additions will have to be approved by a "moderator". At the moment the "moderator" is I but it is simple to assign moderator privileges to other people. I hope to recruit some.
- "groups.io" is good. They are used by another Big Island organization I belong to. "groups.io" has been around for a decade or more, is quite large and popular, and has no known privacy issues like several of the better known group-chat and group-email corporations. Also, "groups.io" doesn't cost anything unless our list grows beyond one hundred. (Currently 67 e-mail addresses receive messages sent to everyone@reedsisland.org. That includes people who live on Reed's Island, people who don't live here but own property here, a few property managers, and several Community Policing officers. They are the only people who will receive the invitation mentioned above.)
- Once you've accepted your "membership" invitation, you can go to the web-page https://reedsisland.groups.io to read old messages, change your settings, &c.
Questions?: Bernie
266 Kaiulani St.
+1-808 961 9030 land
+1-626 437 0418 mobile